The Mari Sue is home to many interesting characters, Zak Nox being one of them.

Zak Nox's workshop on the Mari Sue. Many different inventions can be found here.

Nightfall Ruins is a place that I had come up with while I was trying to come up with a fantasy based animation for a class

Originally supposed to be a simple tree for part of a class program cover. Twilight at the Sakura Tree turned into something more.

Pumpkin Jack was a fun character I created just for Halloween.

Bugsy Toons came about because a sound design project made me think about the classic Saturday morning cartoons.

Originally I made this design to be a sticker, but it turned out so good that I added a background for larger prints.

Sumer Vibes is a series that I plan to add a new character to every summer. They are really cute and I have enjoyed creating them.

The Liar Princess and the Blind Prince was a game I enjoyed playing so much, that I created this illustration based off the game.

Loving Winter's Night is a piece of a loving couple taking a night stroll through a park.

Zetsubo no Kiri, which roughly translates to "Fog of Despair" gives an animus feeling with fog rolling off the mountains

This is an image I had originally drawn in pencil, from an art book. I decided to redraw that image digitally and add color.

I thought that it would be nice to draw a couple enjoying the beach. Especially since I could not this year.

This design was initially to be just a simple design for the image on the left. However, I got carried away and it became a whole design on it's own.

This is a digital re-design of a piece I did for my color theory class.

Haru Matsuri is Japanese for spring festival. I came up with this design, because of my love for Japanese culture, and wanting to go to Japan one day to see the cherry blossoms.

I initially came up with this while playing a game called Okami. Sakura Sunrise is my take on the iconic Japanese imagery with the cheery blossom branch going across the rising sun.

Crimson Tempest, is a design I had came up with for a design contest. I may not have won the contest, because of the tough competition I had. However, the design still turned out really amazing.